Well we are back at it this week,  sifting through all the web has to offer in order to showcase a few things that caught our fancy about print and about some local events that have us excited.


First up is this story about a new kind of printable and erasable E-paper. Is this doom for the printing industry? We think not, but it certainly is some pretty exciting technology. The company behind this new tech claims it can be printed and reprinted up to 260 times before its ready for the trash. To my eyes, it seems very glossy and not very paper like. It doesn’t seem like it would have any of the great tactile properties of real paper either. Still, We would love to get our hands on some and figure it all out. Be sure to check out the YouTube video as well!


E-Paper on YouTube


Next we have a great ‘pop’ color palette available for download from one of our favorite design sites, ColourLovers. Along with an appeal for more color in our designs Colourlovers includes a number of great sample designs and palettes as well as swatch files for Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. Have Fun!




On the subject of design inspiration, here is a page from another great design site bittbox that showcases 17 different Flickr groups focusing on type and typography. Careful, its one of those links that might suck away hours from your life. Enjoy!




Locally this weekend, we are super excited to get out to the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art’s Urbanism: Reimagining the Lived Environment . The exhibition features 4 emerging Philadelphia-based artists who focus their work on re-envisioning what the urban environment is and means.



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