It’s a 2 over 1 with black and 2 PMS. It’s a work and turn on a coated sheet with bleed. And we’ll need a die for a kiss-cut. Printer’s terms are many, varied, and most of all complicated. Today we start a series of blog posts to clear up what they mean, and how knowing just a few can help you be a better print consumer.

Perhaps you’ve had conversations with printers before. Maybe you’ve heard a number of printer’s terms like this. Kiss-cuts, PMS, work and turns, work and tumbles, bleeds and so on. Perhaps you understood every word (good on you), or maybe you just nodded your head, crossed your fingers and figured things would just work themselves out.


At cutpasteandprint we strive to keep our conversations jargon free when talking with our customers. Even so, there is no denying that there is a lot of  terminology bandied about a print shop. All those printer’s terms can get confusing and complicated. If you are a designer, or are responsible for getting your company’s printed materials produced, you may just benefit from getting a better handle on what your printer is saying.


Beginning next week we will start monthly posts introducing some of the printer’s terms we use in our shop. We will also talk about some of those we don’t use. Along the way we will introduce a lot of the machines and tools that help us produce the print materials you need. We want to demystify the process of commercial printing.

We believe that the more you know about printer’s terms, the better your designs and end products will be.


So we welcome you to read up and enjoy our blog.

© 2014 cutpasteandprint | Your Print Solutions Team.
