VDP Variable Data Printing

Imagine printing an individual invitation to each and every one of your customers. Tailored printing, customized to reach that one person on a personal level. This technology, known as VDP, is here now, and it is easier, and less complicated than you might think. These days we’re all familiar with web pages and emails that…

Commercial Printing

Commercial printing is a new experience for many of our customers. We recognize that it can be intimidating the fist time you walk into a print shop or look through all the options available. Our goal is always to simplify the process and guide you to what will work best for your business, goals, and…


Without doubt, the four most important words in printing are, “Did you proofread this?” It sounds so simple, it sounds so obvious, but the biggest reason for re-printing something we encounter is the failure to proofread. As we often point out on our blog, printing is a process. There are certain steps and standards that…

design for print

Design for Print  vs. Design for the Web. Sometimes it feels like a fight, but it doesn’t have to be. Just mind the differences and design with the end in mind. There is no such thing as a graphic designer who only does design for print or only for the web. These days designers have…

Everyone wants fast printing. You have clients to meet, products to market, and sales to make. We understand. You don’t have time to wait for your printing to get done. You need fast printing and you need it now. That said it is important to remember that printing is a manufacturing process. When you want…

business card in the trash

In the age of online business, mobile, and social media, your business card still matters. Building personal relationships, meeting face-to-face, and good handshakes are still vital elements of getting business done. The business card is still an essential tool to help people remember you, your business, and build an important relationship. So why then is…

knockout and overprint example

In graphic design and printing, a knockout is the process of removing one color ink from below another to create a clearer image or text.

Print design white paper

A brief look at the many variations of white paper, and what to look out for when you are choosing white paper for a print design project.

folding print project

The Pamphlet, outside of company stationery, is often the most important printed marketing material for your business.


Postcards are a great way to get your message out. Either as part of a mailing, or handed out at an event, or trade show.

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