VDP Variable Data Printing

Imagine printing an individual invitation to each and every one of your customers. Tailored printing, customized to reach that one person on a personal level. This technology, known as VDP, is here now, and it is easier, and less complicated than you might think. These days we’re all familiar with web pages and emails that…

Local Printshop Craftsmanship

We’ve got to say it! From in person conversations, to the physical interactions with materials, and simple regional pride, we have to say that local print shop is just better. We’ve handled reprinting or completely re-doing so many print jobs that were sent to some online printer somewhere, we feel a bit more than justified…

Commercial Printing

Commercial printing is a new experience for many of our customers. We recognize that it can be intimidating the fist time you walk into a print shop or look through all the options available. Our goal is always to simplify the process and guide you to what will work best for your business, goals, and…

Print design white paper

A brief look at the many variations of white paper, and what to look out for when you are choosing white paper for a print design project.

Printing Paper

Selecting printing paper for a project can be overwhelming. There are a nearly limitless number of variations available. Even seasoned commercial print veterans can get confused. Today we look at two types of paper that are an easy source of misunderstanding. Text and writing paper.

letterhead stationery

Letterhead and custom stationery can be an important of building your brand and marketing your company. Today we give four reasons it still matters.

trimming paper

Trimming is an important service printers provide. It sounds simple, but drastically improves the look and feel of a printed project. Today, we take a quick look at the trimming and cutting services cutpasteandprint offers.

Print File Preparation for small business

These days wherever you look there is often the sentiment that the print-world and print marketing is dying and everything important is happening on digital. The facts however seem to be pointing the other way.

Paper Texture Columns

Paper textures play a big role in how a printed work looks when complete. It can affect everything from how bright a color looks, to how the ink fills the paper, and how a printed material feels in your customer’s hands.

happy holidays cutpasteandprint

Happy Holidays everyone!

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